Use black and white or gray to create simple, straightforward images using tools such as pencils and charcoal. This type of drawing focuses on lines and shadows to basically show shape and details without complications.
The Bus of this bad life | 30*40 cm | ink and charcoal on paper | 2018
New!! a new life on DVD | 30*40 cm | ink and charcoal on paper | 2018
The Eternity of graves | 30*40 cm | charcoal on paper | 2014
Transformations of being lonely | 36*48 cm | ink on paper | 2017
Google is better than religions | 36*48 cm | ink on paper | 2017
At the train station. | 36*48 cm | Ink on paper | 2017
don’t worry we will become sumo someday ! | 36*48 cm | ink on paper | 2017
the grave N 14 | 30*40 cm | ink on paper | 2017
From the routine of the birth to the working routine | 30*40 cm | ink on paper | 2017